Monday, September 22, 2014

Saving Summer and Reflections

The end of summer is the time that I tend to reflect on all I didn't do during the growing season or all the things I should have done differently. I didn't can anything. I didn't make freezer jam. I feel like I fell short.

This was also our first year in many that we weren't part of a CSA.  The farm we were using stopped their program. My plan was to go to the farmers market and stock up with the money we would have spent on the subscription. The truth is, that didn't happen. There is just no substitute for having fresh veggies delivered to your door.  We will definitely be searching for a new farm for next year.

I did purchase a basic notebook to keep gardening notes in, tracking what I planted and where - what worked and what didn't. Hopefully this will help me remember from season to season. 

In the meantime, I am saving a bit of summer by:

Baking and pureeing butternut squash and pumpkins for freezing. These are future pies.

Freezing herbs

Saving seeds
drying mint for tea
Our squash did really well. We planted way too many habaneros and not enough sweet peppers. Our carrots took twice as long to become mature, but they are so good. We harvested a few potatoes, The bok choy did great, amazing actually. We grew one eggplant and two tomatoes.  All of the brussel sprouts were eaten along with the broccoli and cauliflower - enjoyed by bugs and deer. With a bit of trial and error I may eventually have a somewhat productive and balanced garden. I am already looking forward to amending the soil and planning for next year,


  1. I think it is so important to look back and reflect...I have yet to jot notes but I plan on taking my book out on a walk around the garden this week. Looks like you are savoring the end of summer in such a fantastic way! Happy gardening friend! Nicole xo

    1. Its so nice to have a community of gardeners, and mamas, and just great overall human beings to encourage us.

  2. But look at all the things you did do! You're going to have a taste of your hard gardening work well in to the next part of the year, and that is just fabulous! x
