Saturday, June 6, 2015

And Summer Begins

The Mossy Cottage

Neighborhood Walk

Lovely Greens

June has been feeling more like late March around here. We've had days of cool weather with a lot of rain. The garden greens (and weeds) don't seem to mind, but I worry about the bees. They don't forage well in wet, cool weather. Hopefully, the temperatures will return to normal. 

I hope your summer is off to a good start. Regardless of the weather, there is always something to enjoy!


  1. I love your photos here today Kate! And I am sorry for being late to little bean has been sick and I am just getting caught up! This weather has been so all over the place and has really been doing a number on my blooms as well. I hope that it passes so that your bees remain happy and healthy! Beautiful home you have up there! Nicole xo

    1. I hope the beans are feeling better! Sick little ones are no fun.

  2. What a lovely place to walk. Yes, summer has arrived, and it's pretty hot here lately. It's supposed to be in the 100's this week.

